详解雅思口语A or B 题型高分对答法则
还有些同学面临的问题是压根不知道如何阐述拓展,更别提用词和语法了 例如:
Eg : (1)A :what’s your favorite color ?
B:Red 就没了,还要等考官问why ? 然后再回答一句:That’s my country ’s lucky color .考官再来一句why ? 就彻底没说的了,开始抓耳朵
(2) A: do you love swimming?
B: yes, it’s good for my health.
A: Do you love to swim in the swimming pool or in the sea?
B: I love to swim in the swimming pool, because it’s more safe.
所以面临这种情况,Nancy 今天给大家分享下针对这种题型我们该如何阐述回答。我把它归结为 “ A or B 题型”,如果大家在备考,或者已经考过,就会发现这种题型占得比重还是挺大的,大约30% 左右。
Do you love taking photos by camera or by cell phone?
Do you love handwriting or typewriting?
Do you like international news or national news?
Do you love paper map or digital map?
Do like public transports or private cars? 等等
今天我们以第一个Photo为例 :三个答案,来总结下这类型题以后遇到该如何回答
1、I prefer to take photos by cell phone , you know it’s portable and convenient ,I could take pictures anywhere that I like. Besides, most cell phones nowadays have high resolution pixel, don’t worry about whether the pictures are clear or not. What’ s more, I could post pictures on moments and share with my friends easily.
2、I prefer to take photos by cell phone , it’s portable and convenient ,I could take pictures anywhere that I like. Besides, most cell phones nowadays have high resolution pixel, don’t worry about whether the pictures are clear or not. However, cameras are too heavy, especially single-lens reflex camera, and you know I am not a professional photographer, so I couldn’t distinguish any differences between them.
3、Well it depends ,most of time I prefer to take photos by cell phone , you know it’s portable and convenient ,I could take pictures anywhere that I like .Besides, most cell phones nowadays have high resolution pixel, don’t worry about whether the pictures are clear or not. However, when I am traveling, I would love to take pictures by camera, it’s more professional, I could take wonderful pictures even in dark or rugged surroundings.
1 A -------why A, why A, why A
2 A ------why A, why A, why not B
3 It depends , 什么situation A ----why A ,why A
什么situation B ------why B
同学们以后遇到这类型题,应该会回答了吧?祝各位烤鸭早日拿到理想成绩,GOOD LUCK !